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Live Performance & Live Looping with Ableton Live
1 - Ableton ...LIVE!
1.1 Welcome / How to use this course (3:23)
1.2 DISCORD Private Server: Join the Community! (2:05)
1.3 A "Re" Orientation of Ableton Live (3:28)
1.4 Your Live Performance Wishlist (Don't Skip This) (2:15)
1.5 Setup Help Videos
1.6 Exclusive Content
1.7 EDU DISCOUNT: 30% off Ableton Software, INCLUDING upgrades!
Videosync EDU Discounts
2 - Live Set Style 1: Full Mix Clip Launching
2.1 Audio Clip Launching (17:14)
2.2 Clip Progressions (8:08)
2.3 Syncing BPM Based Music to Ableton Live (11:36)
2.4 Syncing Non BPM Based Music to Ableton Live (9:54)
2.5 Audio Warping Algorithms (16:20)
2.6 Dual "Deck" DJing & the Crossfader (19:48)
3 - MIDI Control: 101 The Basics
3.1 Why You Need a Midi Controller (7:28)
3.2 A Wide World of Controllers (18:22)
3.3 Midi Connections (7:30)
3.4 Midi Mapping vs Control Surfaces (8:21)
3.5 Midi Channel Messages: Notes & Continuous Control (CC) (9:17)
3.6 Basic Midi Mapping (19:18)
3.7 Key Mapping - The Midi Controller We All Have (8:23)
3.8 Control Surfaces: Instant Mappings and the Blue Hand (13:20)
3.9 Installing External Control Surfaces (5:39)
4 - Live Effects & Audio Effect Rack
4.1 Inserts: Effects in Tracks (9:10)
4.2 Ableton Racks Intro (7:43)
4.3 Audio Effect Rack 1: Macros (12:08)
4.4 Audio Effect Rack 2: Macro Variations (10:42)
4.5 Audio Effect Rack 3: The Chain List (11:40)
4.6 Multi Effect Macros with the Chain Selector (5:53)
4.7 Send and Return Effects (11:05)
4.8 Limiting and Loudness for Live Performers (17:43)
4.9 Master Track Effect Rack (21:03)
5 - Live Set Style 2: Linear Arrangement 101
5.1 Arrangement View for Live Performances (4:14)
5.2 BPM Sync'd Transitions (18:26)
5.3 Designer Transitions (11:39)
5.4 Markers & Arrangement Looper V2 (14:01)
6 - Live Performance with Midi & Real Instruments
6.1 Using Tracks As Effect Presets (8:15)
6.2 One Track Multi-Effects w/ Dummy Clips (13:12)
6.3 One Track Multi Effects w/ Macro Variations (9:49)
6.4 Latency for Live Musicians (16:39)
6.5 Live Midi Instrument Routing (7:17)
6.6 Ableton Instrument Racks (7:21)
6.7 Midi Instrument Rack Macros (8:01)
6.8 Midi Instrument Rackception (12:05)
6.9 Midi Instrument Automation in Live Sets (7:46)
6.10 Drum Rack Basics (7:28)
6.11 Drum Rack Extras (9:17)
7 - Time Sync, Audio Interfaces, and Routing
7.1 Internal Routing within Ableton (13:04)
7.2 The Cue Track (14:42)
7.3 The Ins and Outs of Choosing an Audio Interface (18:00)
7.4 Configuring Interfaces 101: Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 (14:09)
7.5 Configuring Interfaces 102: MOTU Ultralite mk5 (11:43)
7.6 Syncing and Submixing for Bandmates (10:35)
7.7 Sending Bandmates Voice Instructions (7:11)
7.8 Midi Sync for External Gear (18:26)
7.9 MIDI Sync Issues and Solutions (18:19)
7.10 Using External Midi Instruments (13:48)
7.11 Ableton Link (7:22)
8 - Live Looping - Clip Looping
8.1 Live Looping for EVERYONE (1:57)
8.2 Clip Looping 1: Midi Instruments (10:17)
8.3 Clip Looping 2: Scene Parts and Record Quantization (6:35)
8.4 Clip Looping 3: Overdubbing and Midi vs Audio (7:14)
8.5 Clip Looping 4: Audio Input Effects (6:18)
8.6 Clip Looping 5: Parameter Looping with Automation Arm (8:25)
8.7 Clip Looping 6: "New" Clip (6:38)
8.8 Clip Looping 7: "Deleting" and Navigating a Clip Loop Set (9:09)
8.9 Clip Looping 8: Clip Looping with Ableton Push 2 (10:34)
8.10 Clip Looping 9: Scene Launch Recording Technique (5:22)
8.11 Clip Looping 10: Closing the Loop with Clip Length 2.0 (3:20)
9 - Live Looping - Ableton Looper
9.1 Ableton Looper 1: Multipurpose Transport Button (8:43)
9.2 Ableton Looper 2: Deep Dive (19:40)
9.3 Ableton Looper 3: Part A and B Method (8:31)
9.4 Ableton Looper 4: Multi Part Return Rack (13:21)
9.5 Ableton Looper 5: Looper Insert (14:12)
9.6 Ableton Looper vs Clip Looping (6:31)
10 - Clip Ninjas: Follow Actions & Stem Mixing
10.1 Follow Actions 1: Basics (10:19)
10.2 Follow Actions 2: Chance and Clip Slicing (8:33)
10.3 Follow Actions 3: Scene Actions (10:06)
10.4 Clip Performance & and Global Follow Actions (8:53)
10.5 Set Style 3: Stem Mixing & Performance Sections (10:09)
10.6 Set Style 3: Exporting for a Stem Set (6:30)
10.7 Set Style 3: Loudness and Magnus Mk2 Limiter (9:54)
11 - Clip Ninjas 2: The Power of the Launch
11.1 Automation Dummy Clips Part 1 (13:01)
11.2 Automation Dummy Clips Part 2 (9:13)
11.3 Clip Modulation (13:26)
11.4 Legato and Unlinked Clips Part 1 (7:26)
11.5 Legato and Unlinked Clips Part 2 (13:18)
12 - Presetting the Universe
12.1 Presetting Intro (1:02)
12.2 Midi Program Change (10:31)
12.3 One Drum Rack to Rule them All (10:38)
12.4 One Drum Rack to Rule Them All 2 (10:24)
12.5 Sample Presetting & Remote Midi Control (14:01)
13 - World Building and Stage Prep
13.1 World Building 1: Papadosio World Show & Tell (14:37)
13.2 World Build ing 2: Papadosio World Teardown (13:12)
13.3 World Building 3: Device Arrangement Logic (14:21)
13.4 Live Papadosio Rig Q and A (95:55)
13.5 Live Set Optimization (12:23)
13.6 General Tips for Stage Survival (10:39)
14 - Tablet Interface Design & MIDI Deep Dive
14.1 Touch OSC: Roll Your Own Midi Controller on Your Phone?! (6:00)
14.2 TouchOSC: Connecting (3:51)
14.3 TouchOSC: Basic Interface Design (9:33)
14.4 TouchOSC: Organization w/ Group, Pager, and Labels (12:55)
14.5 TouchOSC: Files and Examples (6:14)
14.6 Touchable Pro: A Tablet Control Surface! (20:07)
15 - ClyphX - Make Ableton do...Anything?
15.1 ClyphX Intro (12:55)
15.2 Clyph X Workflow: Example X-Clip Looping Set (24:31)
15.3 Clyph X Snaps! (10:15)
15.4 ClyphX X-Triggers: X-Cues, X-Scenes, & X-Controls (14:50)
Performance Pack (Ableton 12)
Arrangement Looper (10:05)
Prearranger (9:35)
Where Should I Go From Here?
DISCOUNT: Songwriting and Composition with Ableton Live
DISCOUNT: Mixing and Mastering with Ableton Live
DISCOUNT: Sound Design and Synthesis with Ableton Live
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10.1 Follow Actions 1: Basics
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