Songwriting and Composition in Ableton Live
This robust course is designed to take the mystery out of songwriting and give you clear workflows for finalizing your tunes. Here we use tried and true tactics and techniques that have worked for me, all within Ableton Live.
Hi, my name is Anthony. I am the creator of the Seed to Stage Youtube channel where I have helped countless folks wrestling with Ableton Live realize their potential. For 10+ years, I have used Ableton Live in the studio and on stage in every conceivable situation. I have used the software to compose and release songs that have 10 million + plays on Spotify.
You Will Learn:
- Composition workflows that pull ideas out of your head and yield amazing music
- Tactics that pull emotional responses out of your listeners
- Song Structuring techniques for compelling results
- Practical applications for Music Theory
- Beatmaking and Sampling
- How to Master the Piano Roll
- How to create Transitions and Fills to move energy
- Finalization workflows for productivity
You Will Get:
- An organized and optimized curriculum
- Video lessons with 20+ hours of content.
- Mentorship via the Seed to Stage private Discord Server.
- Feedback on your compositions through the community.
- Loads of resources such as Sound Samples and Ableton Templates.
- Lifetime access to continuous new content updated monthly!
- Lasting skills that will ignite and elevate your career!
Seed to Stage: Songwriting and Composition Curriculum
- 2.1 You Are Now Entering a No Pressure Zone: Songwriting Activities (2:45)
- 2.2 Beat Making 101: Ableton Drums (14:27)
- 2.3 The Piano Roll for Drums (12:04)
- 2.4 Velocity & Recording Midi Drums (19:40)
- 2.5 Quantization and Timing (9:13)
- 2.6 The Groove Pool (11:38)
- 2.7 Audio Drums in Arrangement View (12:02)
- 2.8 Pros and Cons to Audio Drum Arrangement (8:21)
- 2.9 Drum Loops & Warping Beats (17:49)
- 2.10 Beat Making Basics Review (10:49)
- 2.11 Clip Gain (8:41)
- 2.12 Beatmaking Drum Bus (20:32)
- 2.13 Simpler One Shot Mode (17:46)
- 2.14 How Drum Rack Works (10:03)
- 2.15 Drum Rack Reverb and Routing (11:21)
- 2.16 Generate: Rhythm (15:12)
- 2.17 Generate: Euclidean (6:22)
- 2.18 Randomization 101: Velocity, Chance, & Note Groups (11:25)
- 2.19 Infinite Drum Kits: Random Drum Kit Generator (11:41)
- 3.1 The Piano Roll for Basslines and Melodies (10:43)
- 3.2 Infinite Instruments - Random Preset Generators (6:03)
- 3.3 Scale Mode In Clips (12:37)
- 3.4 Clips on Clips! (12:54)
- 3.5 Tonal Movement: Pitchbend (11:54)
- 3.6 Pitchbend Settings & Strategies (12:36)
- 3.7 Glide, Legato, and Portamento (13:45)
- 3.8 Generate: Seed (12:28)
- 3.9 Generate: Shape (6:06)
- 3.10 Transform: Connect & Recombine (17:56)
- 3.11 Transform: Ornament & Span (12:00)
- 4.1 The Piano Roll for Chord Progressions (8:31)
- 4.2 Making better Chord Progressions: (11:18)
- 4.3 Generate Stacks (16:12)
- 4.4 Transform: Arpeggiate & Strum (10:16)
- 4.5 Midi Effects & Scale Awareness: Pitch (13:13)
- 4.6 Midi Effects & Scale Awareness: Scale (14:44)
- 4.7 Midi Effects & Scale Awareness: Chord (10:26)
- 4.8 Midi Effects & Scale Awareness: Arpeggiator (10:37)
- 4.9 Midi Effects & Scale Awareness: Random, Note Delay, Note Length (12:52)
- 5.1 Composition Workflows (1:59)
- 5.2 Worklow 1: Clips, & Phrases - Templates & Musical Ideation (14:47)
- 5.3 Workflow 1: Clips & Phrases - Session to Arrangement View (15:23)
- 5.4 Workflow 2: Sound Collage Montage (14:01)
- 5.5 Workflow 2: Comping & Take Lanes (15:40)
- 5.6 Workflow 3: Imitation Game (20:32)
- 5.7 Workflow 4: Chord Progression Generation with Midi Effects (12:54)
- 5.8 Workflow 5: Unpacking Chord Progressions into Tracks (8:20)
- 5.9 Workflow 6: Anchor Recording (13:23)
- 14.1 Introduction to Theory (1:23)
- 14.2 Scales (5:41)
- 14.3 Scales in Action (9:27)
- 14.4 Chord Formulas: How to Play Any Basic Chord (9:19)
- 14.5 Chord Progressions 1: The Diatonic Formula (5:05)
- 14.6 The Diatonic Chord Songwriting Chart!
- 14.7 Chord Progressions 2: Functional Harmony (6:24)
- 14.8 Chord Progressions 3: Secondary Dominants (8:49)
- 14.9 Chord Progressions 4: Inversions and Voicings (14:22)
- 14.10 Chord Progressions 5: Borrowed Chords (5:50)
- 14.11 Borrowed Chords Songwriting Chart!
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