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Songwriting and Composition with Ableton Live
1 - Welcome!
1.1 Welcome / How to Use this Course (3:08)
1.2 DISCORD Private Server: Join the Community! (3:55)
1.3 EDU DISCOUNT: 30% off Ableton Software, INCLUDING upgrades!
1.5 What If I Dont Have Ableton 12 and up?
2 - Beat Making
2.1 You Are Now Entering a No Pressure Zone: Songwriting Activities (2:45)
2.2 Beat Making 101: Ableton Drums (14:27)
2.3 The Piano Roll for Drums (12:04)
2.4 Velocity & Recording Midi Drums (19:40)
2.5 Quantization and Timing (9:13)
2.6 The Groove Pool (11:38)
2.7 Audio Drums in Arrangement View (12:02)
2.8 Pros and Cons to Audio Drum Arrangement (8:21)
2.9 Drum Loops & Warping Beats (17:49)
2.10 Beat Making Basics Review (10:49)
2.11 Clip Gain (8:41)
2.12 Beatmaking Drum Bus (20:32)
2.13 Simpler One Shot Mode (17:46)
2.14 How Drum Rack Works (10:03)
2.15 Drum Rack Reverb and Routing (11:21)
2.16 Generate: Rhythm (15:12)
2.17 Generate: Euclidean (6:22)
2.18 Randomization 101: Velocity, Chance, & Note Groups (11:25)
2.19 Infinite Drum Kits: Random Drum Kit Generator (11:41)
3 - Bass Lines and Melodies
3.1 The Piano Roll for Basslines and Melodies (10:43)
3.2 Infinite Instruments - Random Preset Generators (6:03)
3.3 Scale Mode In Clips (12:37)
3.4 Clips on Clips! (12:54)
3.5 Tonal Movement: Pitchbend (11:54)
3.6 Pitchbend Settings & Strategies (12:36)
3.7 Glide, Legato, and Portamento (13:45)
3.8 Generate: Seed (12:28)
3.9 Generate: Shape (6:06)
3.10 Transform: Connect & Recombine (17:56)
3.11 Transform: Ornament & Span (12:00)
4 - Chord Progressions
4.1 The Piano Roll for Chord Progressions (8:31)
4.2 Making better Chord Progressions: (11:18)
4.3 Generate Stacks (16:12)
4.4 Transform: Arpeggiate & Strum (10:16)
4.5 Midi Effects & Scale Awareness: Pitch (13:13)
4.6 Midi Effects & Scale Awareness: Scale (14:44)
4.7 Midi Effects & Scale Awareness: Chord (10:26)
4.8 Midi Effects & Scale Awareness: Arpeggiator (10:37)
4.9 Midi Effects & Scale Awareness: Random, Note Delay, Note Length (12:52)
5 - Composition 101
5.1 Composition Workflows (1:59)
5.2 Worklow 1: Clips, & Phrases - Templates & Musical Ideation (14:47)
5.3 Workflow 1: Clips & Phrases - Session to Arrangement View (15:23)
5.4 Workflow 2: Sound Collage Montage (14:01)
5.5 Workflow 2: Comping & Take Lanes (15:40)
5.6 Workflow 3: Imitation Game (20:32)
5.7 Workflow 4: Chord Progression Generation with Midi Effects (12:54)
5.8 Workflow 5: Unpacking Chord Progressions into Tracks (8:20)
5.9 Workflow 6: Anchor Recording (13:23)
6 - The Challenge Begins
6.1 The 2 Week+ Songwriting Challenge (4:39)
6.2 Ableton File Organization! (DO THIS) (9:24)
7 - Composition Tools
7.1 How to use Ableton Simpler (10:05)
7.2 How to use Ableton Drum Rack (12:15)
7.3 Quantization! (12:16)
7.4 Fixing Audio Timing: Elastic Audio Warping (8:54)
7.5 Punch in and Punch Out (3:53)
7.6 Comping & Takes (11:10)
8 - Songcraft & Structure
8.1 Parts and Patterns (8:32)
8.2 Session to Arrangement: How to Structure Your Song (9:10)
8.3 Recording and Editing Audio Clips in Arrangement View (8:51)
8.4 Automation in Arrangement View (11:20)
8.5 Recording Automation with Midi (7:52)
8.6 Exporting! (11:54)
9 - Community
9.1 Community Intro (2:27)
9.2 Getting and Giving Feedback (3:41)
9.3 Soundcloud Private Links (4:09)
10 - Inspiration Strikes!
10.1 Feed the Music: Inspiration and Lifestyle (2:59)
10.2 Inspiration Strikes! Always Record! (2:34)
10.3 Convert Captured Rhythms to Midi! (10:04)
10.4 Convert Captured Melodies to Midi! (9:45)
10.5 Convert Captured Chords to Midi! (4:51)
11 - Sampling
11.1 Intro to Sampling (1:23)
11.2 Workflow 1: Manual Sampling (12:33)
11.3 Workflow 2: Simpler Sample Slicing (11:59)
11.4 Workflow 3: Sample Auto Slicing (9:32)
12 - Creating Emotional Responses
12.1 What is Common Among All Great Music? (2:43)
12.2 Examining Emotional Responses in Music (10:23)
13 - Space and Time
13.1 The Business 1: Note Ranges (14:13)
13.2 The Business 2: The Piano Roll (8:07)
13.3 The Business 3: Rhythm and Syncopation (9:59)
13.4 The Business 4: Busy isn't bad, its a tool! (12:15)
13.5 Compositional Dynamics (17:58)
13.6 Transitions: Fills (22:09)
13.7 Transition Effects (14:39)
14 - A Little Music Theory Goes a Long Way
14.1 Introduction to Theory (1:23)
14.2 Scales (5:41)
14.3 Scales in Action (9:27)
14.4 Chord Formulas: How to Play Any Basic Chord (9:19)
14.5 Chord Progressions 1: The Diatonic Formula (5:05)
14.6 The Diatonic Chord Songwriting Chart!
14.7 Chord Progressions 2: Functional Harmony (6:24)
14.8 Chord Progressions 3: Secondary Dominants (8:49)
14.9 Chord Progressions 4: Inversions and Voicings (14:22)
14.10 Chord Progressions 5: Borrowed Chords (5:50)
14.11 Borrowed Chords Songwriting Chart!
15 - Melodies and Hooks
15.1 Writing Melodies 1: Chord Tones (11:15)
15.2 Writing Melodies 2: The Hook (9:43)
15.3 Writing Melodies 3: Ableton Hook Workflow (8:43)
15.4 Writing Melodies 4: Reharmonization Workflow (14:48)
16 - Compositional Layering
16.1 Intro into Layering (1:20)
16.2 Basic Layering Techniques (10:11)
16.3 More Layering Techniques - Racks and Freeze (11:41)
16.4 Drum Layering Techniques (9:44)
16.5 Creating Harmonies with Midi Effects (7:44)
17 - The Quest for Originality: Tempo and Clock
17.1 Odd Timing Signatures 1: Intro (2:35)
17.2 Odd Timing Sigs 2: Ableton Integration (9:30)
17.3 Odd Timing Sigs 3: Writing Odd Timing Riffs (14:39)
17.4 The Triplet Grid! (6:52)
17.5 Polymeters (4:00)
17.6 Poly Rhythms (6:54)
18 - Writing B, C, and D Parts: Escaping the Loop!
18.1 Borrowing Elements (8:13)
18.2 Doubling Down in Unison (4:25)
18.3 Easy Key Changes (7:43)
18.4 Sub Part Variations (8:05)
19 - Actually Finishing Songs?
19.1 The Composition / Songwriting Roadmap (2:12)
19.2 Objectivity (3:59)
19.3 Rinse Repeat - Finalizing Arrangement Workflow (5:33)
20 - Taking the Ear for a Ride
20.1 Arrangement Layout and Organization (8:39)
20.2 Less is More (16:58)
20.3 Adding Variations: Fills and Voicings (29:46)
20.4 Adding Variations: New Chords and Leads (8:11)
20.5 Using Session View within an Arrangement (11:16)
20.6 Compositional Automation (18:41)
Awesome. What Now?
Where to go from here?
DISCOUNT: Mixing and Mastering with Ableton Live!
DISCOUNT: Sound Design and Synthesis with Ableton Live!
DISCOUNT: Live Performance and Live Looping with Ableton Live!
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3.3 Scale Mode In Clips
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